Who we are ?

If you are looking for the Finest Gemstones you are in the right shop

We specialize in offering an exquisite selection of the finest gemstones available in the market. Our inventory consists of top-quality gemstones sourced directly from high-end jewelers and leading dealers worldwide. When you choose our gemstones, you can be assured of their exceptional quality and beauty


Ceylon Gem Europe is a quality Ceylon gem import and export company

"I want you to understand that the island of Ceylon is, for its size, the finest island in the world, and from its streams come Rubies, Sapphires, Topazes, Amethysts and Garnets. "
Marco Polo, 1292

Most of the stones we have advertised are the finest quality you will find in the market. We Maintain an ultra-fine gemstone inventory because, we are direct suppliers to high-end jewelers and top dealers across the globe.
We only sell natural earth-mined gemstones.We do not deal with any type of artificial, synthetic, simulated, or defused gemstone. Our stones are either absolutely untreated or only heat-treated using traditional methods.


02. Company Based Lisbon ,Portugal

Our European management is Sri Lankans who live in Portugal so we maintain quality and trust for the customer. we are a registered Portuguese company,Our mother company Zebra Vistosa LDA

"Beautiful Sapphire, Ruby and Amethyst gems came to rest in Sri Lanka's stream beds, and were also joined by Garnet, Moonstone, Spinel, Topaz, Zircon and Tourmaline."


We have more than 10000+ registered suppliers in Sri Lanka.

Ceylon sapphires were formerly known for their bright, medium-blue colours. With 90% of its landmass claimed to be formed of gem-bearing Pre-Cambrian rock, it possesses the most excellent density of gem deposits in proportion to its size.

Du Kan Vara Drabbad

Why Special Ceylon Sapphires?

Bright mid-blue Ceylon sapphires are highly sought after because of their unusual "cornflower" blue tone. Sapphires from this mine often have a lighter shade of blue than those mined elsewhere in the globe.

Ceylon sapphires are regarded as some of the world's best. The best jewels come from Kashmir, but the mines there have been closed for decades, so the area no longer has a steady supply of these precious stones to offer the market.

"British voyager Robert Knox told stories of the array of different colored gemstones and spices he had seen on the island."

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